Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Simple Life IV or Spring Break 2007

The original plan was to go to Rusk and campout and then ride the train over to Palestine, picnic then back to Rusk for another night of camping. But as with most plans for Spring Break and three day weekends, it started to rain. It rained for four days and we decided against mudding it for the last half of the week. So instead, we came up with a much more ambitious plan that meant driving for at least six hours, all the way to Arkansas’ Diamond Crater State Park.

It would have been a six hour trip, but since I’m doing everything my trainer tells me, I continued with my daily water consumption of 16 oz of water every couple of hours, which of course, meant a potty stop every couple of hours. And really, that shouldn’t be any different than Charlie guzzling down Diet Dr. Pepper non-stop on every other trip we’ve taken, because we also have to stop often. The difference being that A) I’m more discriminating about where I want to stop and B) when everyone sees Momma get out of the car, EVERYONE wants to get out of the car. Then when Momma gets something new to drink, EVERYONE wants something new to drink and maybe a snack to go with. And C) since we gave up fast food for lent and I’m watching my waistline, we had to stop at a fine dining establishment (or Appleby’s) for lunch. Eight hours later we were in Arkansas. (Cue the Deliverence music.)

I don’t get out of the house much, much less the state of Texas, and while I’ve seen a lot of farms and ranches and long dirt roads, I found Arkansas to be (ahem) quite rural. But no matter how unstable your shack, evidently it must be garnished with a satellite dish.

Tomorrow’s Installment: “Digging for Diamonds”

(John has an undisplaced fracture of the distal radius. Cast on Thursday)


Bonnie B said...

Oh my gosh that was funny! Arkansas IS quite rural. I went to Eureka Springs 10 years ago-- that was a darling town and it was basolutely beautiful, but there were STILL people without indoor pumbing and electricity-- nuts.

I'm dieting too so I can relate. I'm doing gravitational pilates, weights and cardio (treadmill-- nothing scary). I'm also doing my own wacked out diet because well, I hate to cook so it's the noncooking diet (and it doesn't contain TV dinners). We shall see how it works or how long I can stand it. I'm guessing that since I hate to cook, this is the diet for me-- the question is-- but does it kick the fat off my body and give it to someone else.

Good luck to you!

Pollyanna said...

That was VERY funny. You crack me up. Sounds like when we go back to MT, the only difference being that it's a 24 HOUR car ride. Good times, good times. I am never ever doing it again. That's how much fun it was. OY.