Thursday, September 14, 2006


I'm not a sunny-side up girl. I don't roll out of bed whistling a tune, ready to meet the day. So things took a turn for the worse this morning, when the counselor called me at 7:00 to cancel my conference with John's teachers.

Last week when we made the appointment for this week, I was already stressing a little because now we're four weeks in to the school year. Turns out she had a sick kid today and had to stay home. Can't really fault her for that. She can't reschedule for next week because she's out of the office all week. So by the time I get to conference with the teachers, John will be holding his first report card.

It gets me seriously riled up.

Bad Momma says: "Homeschool. Just go down there and take him out of that damn public school! Bunch of paper-pushin', "too busy", no pencil-sharing, idiots."

Good Momma says: "Patience. He did fine on his progress report. Mrs. Reisenhoffer said he was a "hard worker". Haven't seen those two words in conjunction with John. Right? Patience."

Smack-talking Momma says: "Okay, maybe you're too dumb to homeschool him. Private School. You could go over to St. Edward's and have a look. A good Catholic education, just like you and Charlie."

Wimpy Momma says: "Um, I'll take a pass on that last comment. Even if you go over to St. Edward's, they're just gonna tell you what you want to hear, because they want your money. And you're currently driving all the money you've got."

Tough Momma says: "Oh if I could just get my hands on that Orchestra Teacher! Here you were, thinking this Viola was gonna be the answer to ALL your problems, and you heard what the private lesson teacher said...those pieces are too complicated for him. He's getting left behind in ORCHESTRA baby, now what you gonna do."

"Shut UP! Just SHUT UP! I'm gonna think of somethin', if you'll both just SHUT UP!"

My mind is sometimes a dark and scary place. I try not to let the girls go at it too often, I'm usually able to strike a happy medium, but today we are hard scrambled.


The Crib Chick said...

Just found your blog, and I am *howling* with laughter. I can sympathize with the middle-of-the-night madness (posted down below); we (okay, *I*) still laugh about the time I caused my husband to pop up out of bed by shrieking "Someone's stealing the car!!!" only to take a closer look and have to then say "Oh, wait...never mind, hee mistake."

(Yes, I was standing looking out the window while he was lying in bed.)

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Whoa Cybill, that's a lot of voices in one person's head ;-)

Try not to stess too much. The progress report said he was doing fine.

Do any of his teachers have email? Since we started emailing our kids' teachers we find out everything that's happening with them on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis. It keeps us in the loop and freaks our kids out! That absolutely HATE it when you know they're behind on their homework before they even get home from school. Ha!

but Momma said...

Hey Chick, I don't know about you, but I could use a nap! :) Thanks for stopping by!

HM, You know, they have this whole system of things to keep me on top of his game, and yet...I'm not. Email, yep, calendars, check, progress reports, got one.

I'm just a looser.
Am not!
Are too!

Sandi said...

I am getting a blog done by Susie and I have been checking out the new ones she has created and found your blog and bookmarked.

I LOVE your blog today. You crack me up!!

Bonnie B said...

Those vvoices are in my head too. Thanks for the laugher.