Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Trouble with Food and Blogging

I'm so tired of food.

(I still want to play Mick jr. Are you spelling Mick Jr. ? Mom are you SPELLING Mick Jr.?)

I'm tired of thinking about food, shopping for food, preparing food, writing down food, looking at food. I know it's not easier to quit smoking, but it sure feels like it sometimes. At least when you decide to quit smoking and throw out your pack of smokes, you don't have to go to the store and

(When will you get me to Mick Jr? When will you get me to Mick Jr.? When will you spell Mick Jr.? When will you spell MICK JR?!)

you don't have to go to the store and buy your kids all their favorite kinds of cigarettes. Or talk them into smoking lights instead of 100's because it's healthier for them. And then you don't have to make sure their ashtrays are clean and

(Why can't I put my shoe back on? Why can't I put my shoe back on? Why can't I put my shoe back on?)

make sure their ashtrays are clean and that you have lighters in all their favorite colors. You don't have to open their carton of cigarettes for them and undo the cellophane because they can't do it themselves and then light their cigarettes for them. You don't have to pack their cigarettes for them so that they have them when they go to Vacation Bible School. And you don't feel compelled to drive thru the local Indian Reservation Drive-thru to buy them some smokes so you don't have to go home and fix them their smokes yourself.

(Is the deer Bambi? The deer is not Bambi. Bambi is not a deer. The real Bambi is little. She jumped so ..... Is Bambi a he or a she? Who's is this? Who's book is ... who's phone is this, who's phone is this? No it's not your's it's just ours. It's just not yours it's everybodies. When will the phone ring? When will the phone ring? When will the PHONE ring? Can I ring the phone? One tiny bit? One tiny bit? Can I? )

(Mom does the green spray sting? Does the green spray sting? What does all that spell? Does that spell MOM? What does all that say? Why can't you tell me?)


me said...

which is why I blame EVERYTHING on the fact that I have kids. I got fat because I got pregnant, I stayed fat because they need to eat and everytime I lose weight one of them does something that sends me into a spiral of stress induced Big Mac Attack.

And would you put mick jr on already? ahhh summer

Pollyanna said...

oh goodness. I hear you about food. If I could just stop eating all together it would make it much easier to get skinny. But since we have to eat to live it makes a little tricker. *sigh* Some days I do think stopping just about anything would be easier than dealing with food! :)

And, good Lawd women, turn on the Mick Jr already for the kid, won't you? That cracked me up! It sounded like Connor and I before he started K. :)